RCN – Ra Chi Nee Pandok

RCN – Ra Chi Nee Pandok

Yemen Highland Arabicum

Yemen Highland Arabicum

Ngrembuyung – Arabicum Hybrid with multi Branch


I bought this plant couple of years ago in Flora Grosir Jogja, Indonesia. I bought this one because this plant have multi branch, and looked differs with other arabicum in Flora Grosir garden
After couple of years, the plant grow exceed my expectation. Hopefully this plant will grow better.

Multi Branch Adenium

Multi Branch Adenium

I bought this adenium two and half years ago for IDR 50,000 [USA $ 5.5] in Pekanbaru, Indonesia. After two and half years, the plant became like in the picture.

Multi Branch [Cabang Seribu in Bahasa Indonesia] , according to the book Teknik Adenium Spektakuler, is one of the results of crossing between obesum and RCN.

Multi Branch has a characters as follows:
–roots, as derived from obesum, the multi branch has a roots similar to obesum
– Stem, in general same with the obesum
– Branch, short space and branching , such as RCN
– Leaves, in general, shiny, light green color, shape varies with the size relatively small. Diversion outside going green because the genetic mutation.
– Flower, the general size smaller than the original because obesum adjust the branching space,

With features on the characters, Multi Branches feasible for collection, and can be good candidate to be formed into high-quality Adenium.

Legasi Red

legasi1Legasi Red

Siam Jade


Big Roy

 big-royBig Roy

Thailand Hybrid – No Name


Super Red


Ruby Putri Malu

Ruby Putri Malu